“ 马蒂尔德”有什么传奇故事?,nobody wins part2 原文

发布时间:2023-01-15 08:00:01

1.“ 马蒂尔德”有什么传奇故事?

“ 马蒂尔德”有什么传奇故事?

法国小说家莫泊桑短篇小说《项链》的女主角。 玛蒂尔德的丈夫是个小公务员,有一次他收到了教育部长家庭聚会的邀请函。 玛蒂尔德因为自己的衣服破旧,没有首饰,所以拒绝和丈夫一起去派对。

丈夫用积攒的400法郎给她买了一条漂亮的裙子,让她借了一条钻石项链。 于是玛蒂尔德在派对上出尽风头,虚荣心得到了很大的满足。 派对结束后,他们回到家,发现项链飞了,找也没地方掉,于是借钱,凑齐了三万六千法郎的巨款,买了同样的新项链给她。

在那之后,他们花了十年时间节衣缩食,还清债务。 玛蒂尔德偶然在公园遇见她时,向她讲述了这十年的生活。 她吓了一跳,告诉她那条项链是假的,最多值500法郎。


2.nobody wins part2 原文

nobody wins part2 原文

Towards evening,we landed on an unknown planet.Lam,our pilot,broughtustoacave.wewentthroughit.everythinginsidewashuge。

& #039; Let& #039; s get out of here& #039;Peters,our navigator,said.& #039; It& #039; s a monster& #039; s home& #039;

& #039; Maybe he& #039; s friendly& #039;I said.& #039; We& #039; ll wait& #039;

Suddenly,thedooropenedandamonstercameinwithsomekangaroos.thekangaroosshouted,& #039; Good night,Gork.& #039; andthenJumpedaway.& #039; Aliens in my cave! How did you get in here? & #039;

I thought fast,and said quietly,& #039; Good evening,Mr gork.my name is nobody and . & amp; #039;

Gork roared again,& #039; you are aliens.wekillallalienshere.tomorrow,you& #039; re going to die! allofyou.& #039; thenhepressedabuttomonthewall.steelbarsappearedfromthegroundusandclosedoverourheads。

& #039; Well,Captain,& #039; Lam asked,& #039; why did you call yourself& #039; Nobody& #039;

& #039; It& #039; s my plan. You& #039; ll see,& #039; I replied。

I turned to Gork and said,& #039; We come in peace,Mr Gork.& #039;

& #039; But tomorrow you& #039; ll be in pieces,& #039; 谷歌种子。

Peters turned towards me,and his voice shook,& #039; We& #039; re all going to die,sir.& #039;

& #039; No,& #039; I said,& #039; We& #039; re all going to live! 真的假的! & #039;



